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  • ATTACK OF THE CLONES - The Motorcycle Companies increasingly use standardized components to bring us 'so called' new models. But what does this mean for consumers? ​​

  • THE TOP 7 MOST OVER-HYPED MOTORCYCLES - we're all use to hearing the outlandish and exaggerated claims that manufacturers make about their bikes. But which ones are truly over-hyped and fall short of expectations?

  • TOP UNDER-APPRECIATED BIKES - The market is full of great bikes that somehow fly under the radar. Which bikes are truly under-appreciated and worthy of consideration?

  • THE REAL DEAL - Sometimes there are bikes that live up to expectations and all the hype that they receive. Here's our list of bikes that are as good as the hype that surrounds them. 

  • THE CUSTOM SCENE - With standardized components & the electric bikes, what does that mean for the future of the custom scene?  

  • BMW OWNERSHIP - In the 4th of a series of articles, David takes his new BMW R1250RT on tour and discovers something unexpected.

  • MOTORCYCLING IN WINTER - Are you going to put your bike in storage or are you going to ride it? We give you a series of articles about motorcycling in the winter months. 

  • THE JOY OF LIVE MUSIC - It's back and we've missed it. We bring you our thoughts on a gig we went to and the impact it had on us.


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