OCTOBER 2020 Issue of Moto-Kulture!
In this issue our focus is on Adventure Touring.
ADVENTURE BIKES - What’s all the fuss about and why is this such a growth sector
TOP 10 HEAVY-WEIGHTS - We look at finest Adventure-Touring bikes in the premier heavyweight category. Forget the hype from the manufacturers … which ones are the really the best?
HIBERNATION - Are you putting your bike away for winter? This guide will give you some practical advice on keeping the bike in tip-top condition until the spring.
TOP 5 MIDDLE-WEIGHTS - In that sector between lightweight off-road machines and heavyweight continental tourers there exists the middleweight dual-sport bikes. We try five of them and provide our verdict.
WHY HAVE A BIKE IN CANADA? - For about five months a year, Canada’s climate is at odds with motorcycles. We ask if there’s any point owning a bike in Canada.
TOP 8 LIGHT-WEIGHTS - If you fancy a spot of adventure-touring why buy anything other than a lightweight? Are these smaller bikes up to the task?
GEAR GUIDE FOR COLD WEATHER - We provide our guide for the finest riding gear when the weather turns decidedly chilly.
PACKING THE PANNIERS - What do you pack in those panniers for trouble-free adventure-touring?